Control Concepts


DC Drive Service

Control Concepts has extensive experience in servicing and integration of DC SCR Drives. Applications include winders, extruders, slitters, cut-to-lengths, spindles, wire drawing and corrugators just to name a few. We offer field service, engineering, and in house repair on DC drives and systems.

We stock DC drives up to 300 HP in our local warehouse.

Click on any image to see our complete list of products we service

Control Concepts has over 30 years of experience in drive repair, service, and support.

Common Drive Failures
  • Drive doesn’t run the motor
  • Drive keeps blowing fuses or tripping breakers
  • Loose connections
  • Non-functional cooling fans
  • Software or programming problems
  • Circuit board failure
The Repair Process
  • We check the motor drive and terminals for substandard connections which can be caused by anything from heat cycles and mechanical vibration to reusing or over-tightening torque screws.
  • We conduct diode and IGBT tests on the input/output power sections before applying power to the drive unit. This is to protect against further damage from a short.
  • We power up the unit and perform amp readings and output frequency tests, slowly increasing the voltage until the rated input voltage of the drive is reached.
  • If everything functions properly, we use the drive to run a motor through basic jog functions after backing up existing programs. If the motor does not run, we check the output voltages and current ratings going to the motor to check drive function for motor rotation.

Most drive failures can be avoided through preventative maintenance.

Production lines we service